Moose Anger Management

Anger management isn’t about suppressing your feelings or avoiding conflict. It’s about learning to face life’s challenges confidently, resolving conflicts in a way that leaves you feeling proud, not ashamed. Our approach helps you transform anger into a tool for growth, allowing you to navigate difficult situations with clarity and compassion. Let us guide you to a place where you can find peace in the face of conflict.

What participants gain from attending our anger management groups or individual counselling includes:

  • Less reactive
  • More intentional
  • Increased emotional competence 
  • More emotional intelligence
  • Gain self control when triggered
  • Decreased anxiety and stress
  • More self awareness
  • An ability to deepen and nurture relationships
  • An ability to pause and connect with your core values before responding
  • Increased maturity

Ready to regain control of your anger?

One key step is learning to pause and reflect before reacting. This helps you understand your emotions and gain a new perspective. Many people feel trapped in reactive patterns, struggling to control their anger. But if you’re ready to break free and make a positive change, Moose Anger Management is here to help. We’re committed to guiding you toward healthier responses and inner peace.

Reach out today at 604-723-5134 or, and start your journey to a calmer you.

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604 723-5134

Individual & Group Counselling

We provide an open and non-judgemental setting for individuals to learn about themselves and their anger, either together with others

  • This has benefited me so much because I have learned to listen to my partner. I used to think that this cycle of anger would never end. The abused becomes the abuser... but I am ready to end it and become a better father and a better husband.

  • Taking Alistair's course has allowed me to resurrect my marriage. The key thing is that he will not eliminate your anger, but teach you how to manage it and how to handle stressful situations with your partner. I am now feeling more comfortable on the probability of saving my marriage.

  • It has helped me in every situation that has occurred since we had class, I recognize the steps and I resolve my situations intelligently.

  • I understand now that nothing comes from staying in the situation and being angry. I recognize the steps towards anger and I use precautions, it has lowered my stress as it's much easier to become happy again.

  • I have endured some pretty crazy situations and I have chosen my happiness when I could've lowered myself and chosen the path of sadness and destruction.

  • Thank you, you have given me tools to add to my belt and take control of my life.

  • I understand my anger way better than before and therefore have a much better idea of what is underneath it and how to manage it.

  • I felt very comfortable in the office, very relaxed, and always able to express my honesty without fear or shame. Alistair is very easy to talk to, and I felt a rapport with him right way.

  • The most important thing that I've learned is awareness. The ability to control my emotions, and the environment around them, simply by being aware. Coming to these sessions has increased my ability to focus on the bigger picture, and what is truly important in life.

  • I got a shitload of new tools and ideas. Plus, I got to meet some really great people.


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